It’s Tougher than it was Five Years Ago, but I am Going to Succeed


By Bob Coleman
Editor, Coleman Report

PhotoSpin Office Imagery © 2001 PhotoSpin www.photospin.comThat is small business’ new mantra writes Entrepreneur’s Cat Clifford.

“Nearly six in 10 small-business owners say that it’s harder to run their company now than it was five years ago, according to a survey of 917 small-business owners and primary decision makers released today from digital-marketing company Constant Contact. Respondents have been in a leadership role at their respective small businesses for at least five years and they are customers of Waltham, Mass.-based Constant Contact. Despite their struggles, 72 percent of respondents say they expect to generate more sales this year than they did last year.”

Here are the changes Main Street faces before the recession hit.

1) Local matters more – Consumers have an increasing interest in supporting Main Street.

2) Marketing is faster and cheaper—and 9 in 10 are using social media, compared to only 1 out of 10 five years ago.

3) More business management services are automated.

4) Consumers are savvier – Customers expect more value, dampening Main Street’s bottom line.

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