2019 Coleman Certified SBA 7(a) Loan Closer Onsite Training

2019 Coleman Certified SBA 7(a) Loan Closer Onsite Training
Tuesday, February 5, 2019
Hilton Garden Inn Los Angeles Marina Del Rey
4200 Admiralty Way, Marina Del Rey, CA 90292

Fact: The single biggest cause of SBA guaranty denials is faulty closings. If your loan closers fail to comply with tricky—and intricate—SOP 50 10 5(J) requirements, it can cost your bank millions of dollars. To ensure that your staff fully comply with all procedures and necessary documentation, this training provides an insider’s look at tips and techniques for closing SBA loans with impunity. The result: Speedier closings, reduced repair charges and elimination of SBA guaranty denials.

Your faculty trainers bring a wealth of inside SBA Lending perspective:
  • head_coleman

    Bob Coleman, Publisher, Coleman Report

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    Lance Sexton, Coleman Faculty Instructor

Lance Sexton is the Former SBA Deputy Director, Little Rock Commercial Loan Servicing Center. Lance managed the Servicing of SBA Loans, the liquidation of SBA Express Loans, and the Liquidation of SBA 504 loans in a 24 state area. Lance has 30 years of experience in the origination, servicing, and liquidation of SBA Loans, ten years of experience directly managing portfolios of SBA loans that are both performing and nonperforming, and six years of experience as a small business owner. He has served as Vice President, Senior Vice President, and Executive Officer of three community banks building and managing SBA portfolios at each bank. Lance also was a faculty member of the Sam M Walton College of Business at the University of Arkansas teaching entrepreneurship courses.

2019 Coleman Certified SBA 7(a) Loan Closer Onsite Training

The 2019 edition of our SBA 7(a) Loan Closer training is now offered in two formats. You can continue to receive our award-winning on-demand online training.

Or, come to a one-day event in Marina Del Rey, California.

Coleman has trained and certified over 300 SBA 7(a) loan closers during the past five years. Over that period the content has changed as SBA continually updates and changes its SOP.

This training is for those that want to update their skills, as well as for new SBA 7(a) loan closing professionals.

OR, you may choose to attend in person. This is an excellent option for those of you who have previously completed the training and want to update and refresh your SBA 7(a) loan closing skills.

Lance Sexton’s one-day training is the same professional high-quality instruction you receive online.

2019 SBA 7(a) Loan Closer Onsite Training Agenda

Monday, February 4

Opening Reception Dinner
6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Tuesday, February 5

8:00 am to 8:30 am

SBA 7(a) 101 and Eligibility Overview
8:30 am to 9:15 am
SBA Overview
Importance of Loan Closing
The Prudent Lender
SBA Eligibility – Ownership & Borrower Character
SBA Loans Under $350,000
SBA Loans Over $350,000
SBA Eligibility – Loan Structure & Purpose
SBA Inspector General and SBA Lender Ethics

Generating The SBA 7(a) Loan Authorization
9:15 am to 10:00 am
SBA Loan Authorization
SBA Loan Wizard
The Credit Memo
Changes to the SBA Loan Authorization
Use of Proceeds

10:00 am to 10:15 am

Generating SBA Form 1920, Lender’s Application for Guaranty
10:15 am to 11 am
1920 and The Credit Memo
1920 and Eligibility Questions
Credit Elsewhere Rule
Lender Certification
1920 Recent Changes

Documenting Equity Injection
11 am to 11:45 am
Equity Injection — Impact on the Guaranty
Equity Injection Fraud
Verifying the Equity Injection
Business Acquisition and CRE
Standby Agreements

11:45 am to 12:45 pm

Generating SBA 7(a) Loan Documents
12:45 pm to 1:30 pm
SBA 7(a) Loan Checklist
SBA Form 147 and 148
SBA Form 1919
SBA Form 912 and 159
SBA Express Loans

Other Loan Closing Documents
1:30 pm to 2:15 pm
Collateral and Citizenship
Assignment of Lease
Franchises and Affiliation

2:15 pm to 2:30 pm

Disbursing the SBA 7(a) Loan
2:30 pm to 3:15 pm
Use of Proceeds
Working Capital
Escrow, Appraisals
Construction Loans and Guaranty Fee

Transferring the File to Loan Servicing
3:15 pm to 4:00 pm
Loan File Setup
File Review
SBA Lender Review
Early Default

Certification Exam
4:00 pm to 5:00 pm

SBA 7(a) Loan Closer Certification Awards
5:00 pm to 5:30pm

The fee is $1295.

What Others Say about Coleman Training

Thank you for the Class, I thoroughly enjoyed and have taken a lot away. Your course will make me a better SBA liquidator which will effectively save the Bank of North Carolina money, time, and energy in liquidating their SBA credits. Thank You! — Bill Kerns, Vice President, Special Assets, Bank of North Carolina

Coleman’s SBA 7(a) Loan Underwriter course was a great investment! Bob’s thorough presentation of SBA’s requirements for underwriting and processing 7(a) loan applications, together with the real life case studies, increased my confidence that I can do SBA 7(a) lending right! It was a very beneficial ten weeks!

Garry Throckmorton, Sr. EVP, Community Ventures, Lexington, Kentucky

This SBA One course has helped me in so many more ways than I ever expected, and want to extend my gratitude. You guys are great! Alicia K, Loan Documentation Processor

Thanks for the info, much appreciated. Thank you again for a great course. I must admit my initial scepticism of any online class. Your format and delivery was dead on! I liked the video modules, reading assignments, and the office hours really tied things together. Thanks again! — Ben Kirker

Five Easy Ways to Order!

1) Previous customers need only to send an email to joseph@colemanreport.com with “Register Closer Training” in Subject Line. We will do all the paperwork and charge your credit card on file, or send you a PayPal request.
2) Call Joseph Coleman at Customer Service at 818-790-4591 extension 1
3) Fax the order form to: 818-790-7859
4) Mail the order form to: Coleman Publishing, 28081 Marguerite Parkway #4525, Mission Viejo, CA 92690
5) Click here for paying using PayPal

2019 Coleman Certified SBA 7(a) Loan Closer Onsite Training

Bob Coleman
Editor, Coleman Report
28081 Marguerite Pkwy, #4525
Mission Viejo, CA 92690
(818) 790-4591
(c) 2019 All Rights Reserved