We Love Small Business Stats!


May 23, 2013

entrepreneurBy Bob Coleman
Editor, Coleman Report

Entrepreneur’s Cat Clifford has a great piece for small business stat junkies.

Here are a few

· 13% of U.S. adults are either starting a small business, or are a new small business owner
· 16% of first generation immigrants are either starting a small business, or are a new small business owner
· Men entrepreneurs outnumber women 10 to 7
· 12% have more than 25% international customers
· 69% of entrepreneurship is conducted at home
· 23% rely on at least one unpaid family member
· 37% will have more than 5 employees in the next 5 years
· 34% introduced innovative products and services
· 30% outsource business activities
· 82% are funded by the 3Fs, friends, family and fools
· 16% are funded by a small business lender

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