C-Suite Wednesday – Small Business Lending is Maintaining Yearly Growth

August 23, 2023 Delaney SextonContributing Editor C-Suite Wednesday – Small Business Lending is Maintaining Yearly Growth Equifax’s August report of their small business indices showed that small business lending is holding up in the current economic climate. The Equifax Small Business Lending Index (SBLI) fell almost 2% in June. Though the month-over-month change was negative,…

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SBA Hot Topic Tuesday – A Fourth of Small Businesses Applied for Financing Last Quarter, 85% were Satisfied

August 22, 2023 Delaney SextonContributing Editor SBA Hot Topic Tuesday – A Fourth of Small Businesses Applied for Financing Last Quarter, 85% were Satisfied “The health of the financial system is essential to small business operations,” says Holly Wade, Executive Director of NFIB’s Research Center. “While most owners are currently satisfied with their ability to borrow,…

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Coleman Movers & Shakers – Amanda Aaron, Alex Kim, and Dennis Breitrick

August 17, 2023 Delaney SextonContributing Editor Coleman Movers & Shakers – Amanda Aaron, Alex Kim, and Dennis Breitrick Amanda Aaron is Promoted to the Role of SBA Credit Officer at SouthStar Bank Amanda has 19 years of experience in the banking and finance industry as well as over 10 years of experience handling all facets…

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C-Suite Wednesday – Business Formations are Up 10% in July

August 16, 2023 Delaney SextonContributing Editor C-Suite Wednesday – Business Formations are Up 10% in July The trend of new business growth seen in the last few years continues in 2023. In July 2022, the Census Bureau’s business formation statistics showed that there were more than 425,000 business applications. Last month, there were over 469,000…

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Main Street Monday – 88% of All Farms in the Country are Small Businesses

August 14, 2023 Delaney SextonContributing Editor Main Street Monday – 88% of All Farms in the Country are Small Businesses Across the country, there are almost 1.8 million small family farms (farms with gross cash farm income of less than $350,000) according to a recent report from the SBA Office of Advocacy. That accounts for…

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Correctly Prepare the New (8/1) SBA Guaranty 7(a) Purchase Package – Webinar 9/13

SBA’s Universal Purchase Package is Now in Effect! Attend the Live Webinar EventWednesday, September 13, 20232:00 PM Eastern75-minute training with e-certification Lenders must be correct and precise in their completion of SBA’s new SBA 7(a) guaranty purchase request — to receive payment and not a guaranty repair or denial. WARNING TO LENDERS:Documentation for purchase. SBA…

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Fraud Friday – Employees Claim Bank of America Paid Them Insufficiently During PPP

August 11, 2023 Delaney SextonContributing Editor Fraud Friday – Employees Claim Bank of America Paid Them Insufficiently During PPP A class action lawsuit was recently filed against Bank of America for allegedly paying their workers inadequately during the Paycheck Protection Program. Employees across the country worked grueling hours early in the pandemic to execute a…

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