Coleman’s Certified SBA 7(a) Loan Servicing/Liquidation Training
Coleman’s SBA 7(a) Servicing/Liquidation Training
Introducing the SBA 7(a) Servicing/Liquidation Training Program for 2024: An 8-week online video program your staff can complete on their own schedules — plus receive professional certification.
SBA loans require knowledge and discipline. Even well-performing loans need to be handled according to strict protocols, but it’s problem loans that often trip up SBA loan teams, especially less experienced team members. This training teaches your staff best protocols for servicing SBA loans, as well as how to recognize potential problem loans and act promptly to reduce your risk. If you want to ensure your team can handle the wide range of SBA loan challenges competently and confidently, sign them on for this training.
Best of all, this training is only $1495 per participant.
What to expect from this course:
- Increase your SBA PARRiS rating
- Increase the performance level of your SBA loans
- Reduce the incidence of non-performing loans and the need for repairs.
- Ensure your team’s rapid response following SBA SOP 5057 2 in case of non-performance.
- Reduce risk and insure federal guaranty consistency
- Provide your team high-level training, plus professional certification in this critical skill set
- Special live Office Hours teleconference coaching sessions with expert/instructor Lance Sexton to answer questions from participants
Updates for the SOP 50 57 2
- What SBA is telling lenders when they use the term “prudent liquidation.”
- Threatened “Enforcement Actions” to be issued by SBA to SBA 7(a) lenders for not completing their current liquidation caseload by December 1, 2017.
- Threatened “Enforcement Actions” to be issued by SBA to SBA 7(a) lenders who do not complete liquidation of collateral within two years of the guaranty purchase.
- New rules in preparing SBA 7(a) wrap-up reports.
- How to calculate the SBA 7(a) lender annual servicing fee when the loan during the liquidation process.
- New rules and clarifications for SBA 7(a) revolving lines of credit.
- Special liquidation rules for SBA 7(a) small loans less than $350,000.
- Mandatory use of e-Tran for certain SBA 7(a) servicing and liquidation actions.
- New credit bureau reporting rules for SBA 7(a) loans.
- New SBA 7(a) Liquidation status reporting requirements.
- New rules for returning a SBA 7(a) loan from liquidation to regular servicing status.
- The new rules about receiverships and liquidations.
- Specific guidance when you need to submit liquidation expenses to SBA.
- What to do with the 1099-C.

BONUS: Office Hours are now included! Participants will have access to live online office hours twice a month, providing the opportunity to ask questions, discuss challenges, and connect with your SBA training instructors.
Your faculty trainers bring a wealth of inside SBA Lending perspective:
![]() Bob Coleman Bob Coleman is the Author of “Money Money Everywhere and Not a Drop for Main Street.” He is the founder of the Coleman Publishing, a publisher of books, data, newsletters and reports and a producer of conferences, webinars and training videos — to help finance professionals become small business lending experts. Bob is the nationally recognized expert on small business financing. He has appeared frequently on Fox Business News, NPR and other numerous media outlets. He is sourced by all print media including the Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg. He is a frequent speaker about small business lending throughout the US and EU. Bob has a BA in Medieval History from the University of California Santa Barbara and a MBA in Real Estate Finance from the University of Southern California. His passion is getting capital to Main Street and Rural American small business. |
![]() Lance Sexton Lance Sexton is the Former SBA Deputy Director, Little Rock Commercial Loan Servicing Center. Lance managed the Servicing of SBA Loans, the liquidation of SBA Express Loans, and the Liquidation of SBA 504 loans in a 24 state area. Lance has 30 years of experience in the origination, servicing, and liquidation of SBA Loans, ten years of experience directly managing portfolios of SBA loans that are both performing and nonperforming, and six years of experience as a small business owner. He has served as Vice President, Senior Vice President, and Executive Officer of three community banks building and managing SBA portfolios at each bank. Lance also was a faculty member of the Sam M Walton College of Business at the University of Arkansas teaching entrepreneurship courses. |
Here’s what your team will learn during this eight-week (about 30-hours) online video program
Week 1 — Lender Responsibility
Lender Responsibility
Loan Monitoring
Payment Administration
Paid in Full Loans
Remitting Payments
Week 2 — Environmental
Environmental Risk Management
Environmental Performing Loans
Environmental Loans in Liquidation
Taking Title to Contaminated Property
Special Issues
Week 3 — Servicing Request
Servicing Request
Review and Analysis of the Servicing Request Part 1
Review and Analysis of the Servicing Request Part 2
Getting Approval
Getting Approval and Implementation
Week 4 — Modifications
Note Modifications
Collateral Modifications
Modification of Management Covenants
Loan Assumptions
Week 5 — Deferments
Deferments Part 1
Deferments Part 2
Senior Liens
Putting a Loan into Liquidation Part 1
Week 6 — Workout Plan
Putting a Loan into Liquidation Part 2
Default Site Visit
Working with the Borrower
Workout Plan Part 1
Workout Plan Part 2
Week 7 — Litigation Plan
Intro to Litigation Plan Part 1
Intro to Litigation Plan Part 2
OIC Content
OIC Final Thoughts
Expenses and Remitting SBA Their Share
Week 8 — Servicing Actions
Common Problems in Servicing Actions
Submitting Servicing Actions for Approval
The new SOP 5057 2 – Part 1
The new SOP 5057 2 – Part 2
The new SOP 5057 2 – Part 3
FAQ’s on Coleman’s Online Certification Courses
What platform does the Coleman online course use?
We use Litmos as the platform. You will access the course from the Litmos website without downloading anything to your computer.
How many weeks does the course run?
Eight weeks
How much time will I need to devote to the course?
Three to four hours per segment.
How do the segments work?
Each week is divided into segments averaging ten minutes each.
Do I have to finish each segment every week?
No, you may complete the course at your own pace.
Are there reading assignments?
There will be assigned reading materials drawn from the SOPs, SBA Inspector General audits, and the Coleman Report newsletter.
Tell me about quizzes.
At the end of each segment there will be a short multiple-choice quiz to test your mastery of the segment. Segments may be viewed as many times as you wish.
What are Office Hours coaching sessions?
Each Thursday at 1:00pm ET you will have the opportunity to log in and discuss the week’s topic. If you miss a session, office hours will be recorded and archived for your future use.
How do I become a certified Coleman SBA Loan Servicer?
At the end of the course, you may choose to take a final exam. Those who score 90% or higher will receive a certification plaque. The exam is open material and may be taken as many times as you wish. Or, you may choose to complete a case study.
Is there an additional fee to become a Coleman Certified SBA Loan Servicer?
How much does the course cost?
The fee is $1495.
What Others Say about Coleman Training
Thank you for the Class, I thoroughly enjoyed and have taken a lot away. Your course will make me a better SBA liquidator which will effectively save the Bank of North Carolina money, time, and energy in liquidating their SBA credits. Thank You! — Bill Kerns, Vice President, Special Assets, Bank of North Carolina
Coleman’s SBA 7(a) Loan Underwriter course was a great investment! Bob’s thorough presentation of SBA’s requirements for underwriting and processing 7(a) loan applications, together with the real life case studies, increased my confidence that I can do SBA 7(a) lending right! It was a very beneficial ten weeks!
Garry Throckmorton, Sr. EVP, Community Ventures, Lexington, Kentucky
This SBA One course has helped me in so many more ways than I ever expected, and want to extend my gratitude. You guys are great! Alicia K, Loan Documentation Processor
Thanks for the info, much appreciated. Thank you again for a great course. I must admit my initial scepticism of any online class. Your format and delivery was dead on! I liked the video modules, reading assignments, and the office hours really tied things together. Thanks again! — Ben Kirker
3 Easy Ways to Order!
1) Email this form to
2) Email with “Buy Coleman Training”
3) Call or text Bob Coleman @ 818 974 893
Bob Coleman
Editor, Coleman Report
28081 Marguerite Parkway #4525
Mission Viejo, CA 92690
(818) 790-4591
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