Coleman’s Feedback Friday — Random Observations Friday
Just some quick notes from the community . . . .
Bob Cowherd of CIT writes that if you Google the profile of our alleged perp on Mug Shot Monday who photoshopped a bank statement for $9 million, a Andre Chenier died in 1794 in the guillotine.
Howard Levine chimes in, ‘Andre will have to disgorge whatever he hasn’t hidden. If he has no priors, he’ll get maybe 20, do maybe 10 at Club Fed., and be fined millions of dollars which he will never pay. When it comes to white collar crime, Justice is a sniveling bitch.’
SunTrust Bank’s Dev Strischek gave a thumbs up to guest columnist Steven Regan’s opinion that SBA 504 loans are exempt from being classified a high volatility CRE by the regulators. He urges SBA and the regulators to respond.
Barbara Morrison of TMC Financing wants to know if I invested in Funding Circle.
No, I don’t invest in any companies I cover — specifically two recent online lenders that have gone public; OnDeck Capital and The Lending Club. The one exception is I do small investments in KIVA, and these I consider charitable donations.
Melanie Brown of Signature Bank urges more communication between the regulators and SBA regarding loans where LTV’s exceed 100%. ‘SBA needs to be addressing and advocating with the Federal and State regulators on this matter.’
And finally, we post a comment from Lisa Lerner about my coverage of the definition of a small business loan for our weekly C-level report.
‘ Hi, Bob!…nice summary…always good articles…Hope all is well.’
Thanks Lisa. We’ll take the good with the bad!
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