Coleman’s Weekend Special — WWE’s Linda McMahon the New SBA Administrator?
December 3, 2016
Coleman’s Weekend Special — WWE’s Linda McMahon the New SBA Administrator?
By Bob Coleman
Editor, Coleman Report
Rumors Small Business Trends, Politico and the Connecticut Mirror.
Reports The ctmirror:
“The meeting went great. It was really nice to be up, and I was honored to be asked to come in,” McMahon said of her visit to Trump Tower. “Anytime I think the president-elect of the United States asks you to come in for a conversation, you’re happy to do that.”
McMahon told reporters staking out who came and went at Trump’s headquarters that, “We talked about business and entrepreneurs and creating jobs, and we talked about SBA.”
“We had a really good conversation,” she said.
When asked if she was offered a job, McMahon said: “That remains to be seen. Stay tuned.”
Writes smallbiztrends, “The McMahons are familiar with growing a business from nothing to essentially an empire. From collecting food stamps at the beginning of their marriage, the couple purchased a small wrestling organization and an arena and eventually raised enough capital to buy the then-WWF in the early 1980s.”
What do you think? Should Linda McMahon be nominated as SBA Administrator?
I don’t care
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