Fraud Friday – Bank President Nets $67,000 in Fraudulent Loans – Loses Job, Faces 30 Years in Prison


October 18, 2013

prison032013-2By Bob Coleman
Editor, Coleman Report

Reports the Killeen Daily Herald

“The former president of a local bank branch could face up to 30 years in prison after pleading guilty to bank fraud.

Randall W. Havens was convicted Thursday in federal court in Waco. Havens worked as president of the Killeen branch of The National Banks of Central Texas during a four-year span in which he wrote 15 fraudulent loans, totaling more than $340,000.

“Havens told investigators he wrote loans known as “nominee loans” — loans written in the name of one party, but intended to be used by another — using forged signatures to obtain money.

“The scheme came about in 2008 after Havens made some bad financial investments. He began to ask friends if he could take out loans in their names to help pay back owed money. Havens said he was trying to “rob Peter to pay Paul,” according to court documents.

“Havens admitted to forging the signatures of several of the loans’ applicants, including his aunt.

“Though more than $340,000 was obtained illegally, it appears Havens paid back most of the loans. Court documents state about $67,000 of the loans remain outstanding.”

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