How the SBA BDO is Paid in 2015 – Coleman’s 8th Annual Compensation Webinar
When: Thursday, May 14, 2015
How the SBA BDO is Paid in 2015
Coleman’s 8th Annual Compensation Webinar
Price: $299.00
2:00 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. Eastern
1:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m. Central
12:00 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. Mountain
11:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Pacific
Complimentary Coleman Report Live! News Show with Bob Coleman from 1:50 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Eastern
Use our “email address only” order form!
Last year, we saw SBA business development compensation levels approaching pre-recession levels.
More compensation changes are occurring in 2015 to SBA business development officers who earn their primary income originating SBA 7(a) or 504 loans.
Join us for this 8th annual Coleman webinar analyzing how compensation changed in 2014, and more importantly what are the trends for 2015.
Selling SBA loans is a complicated endeavor.
The professional sales staff must be continually trained on the changes in various SBA lending programs. In addition, BDOs must have a thorough understanding of the lender’s current credit box and devise and execute strategies to find loans that match the needs of small business clients while meeting the requirements of the lender.
Only when deals are finally funded do lenders pay up incentives to the BDO for their service.
We will examine what the industry perceives is reasonable, from the perspective of both the BDO and the employer.
The landscape has changed significantly over the past several years. The first casualties in SBA professional employment were at the sales level. Many lenders shed these positions as they cut back on their small business lending. But with SBA lending rebounding, (2014 was the highest year ever in SBA lending) lenders have restaffed these positions in order to slowly rebuild their SBA lending portfolio.
And, with new compensation models.
We’ll examine in-depth the results of the Coleman 2015 SBA BDO compensation survey.
We have survyed over 150 BDOs and interview numerous national, regional and community bank lenders to accurately report the current trends in the industry.
We will discuss the survey results:
• Total compensation packages
• Compensation benchmark statistics
• Base salary benchmark statistics
• How commissions are structured
• Challenges facing the BDO today
• The Loyalty factor, for both the BDO and lender
Last year, the survey breakdowns the compensation numbers by the five volume buckets:
• Over $20 million – Rock Star
• $15 to $20 million – Above Average
• $10 to $15 million — Good
• $8 to $10 million – Average
• Under $8 million – Below Average
You will learn:
• The results of the just released Coleman Report 2015 SBA BDO Compensation Report
• How compensation packages are structured
• Common commissions on a 7(a) loan
• Common commissions on a 504 loan
• The commission matrix — elements lenders are using for commission payments
• How national lenders pay their sale force
• What regional and community bank lenders are doing in structuring compensation
• Tiered commission payments — paying more for more production
• Examining the true cost of production, and why “Above Average” producers are the best value for the lender
• What lenders should expect to pay for $1 million of loan production.
• The impact of the SBA 7(a) and SBA 504 secondary markets on BDO compensation
• Milestone bonus programs
• Common clawbacks provisions
• What’s happening with broker fees
Who should attend:
Small Business Lending Department Managers
HR Managers
C-Suite Management
This webinar is rated “EXPERT” for all attendees.
Coleman’s Webinar level of instruction guide:
ELEMENTARY — The webinar assumes the audience has no experience in the topic.
BASIC — The webinar is for small business lenders who have some experience in the topic. The webinar is designed as the Topical 101 course. This is the appropriate level of instruction for managers who oversee the function.
INTERMEDIATE — The webinar solves an unique problem for the small business lending professional. A strong working knowledge of the subject matter is recommended.
EXPERT — The webinar discusses detailed, technical and advanced topics for the well-seasoned professional. A strong working knowledge of the subject matter is a must.
Certificates of Participation
All Coleman Webinar attendees will receive a certificate of participation. This documents your continuing education history for your regulators. Also, this documents the answer for SBA’s Review question of continuing staff education.
We will automatically forward a certificate of participation for those who are registered to attend the webinar via GoToWebinar.
If you have purchased the unlimited site license and would like certificates for all who attend simply forward their names and email addresses to She will email the certificates to all attendees.
Questions are encouraged. There are two ways to ask a question. The first is to ask the question via the chat box on the GoToWebinar dashboard. The second way is to send an email to
Also, feel free to ask pre-webinar questions.
Instructed By:
Bob Coleman
Coleman Report
Bob Coleman is the Author of “Money Money Everywhere and Not a Drop for Main Street.”
Bob is the Editor of the Coleman Report, a trade newsletter and website for small business bankers. He is the nationally recognized expert on small business lending. He has been a regular contributor for Fox Business News and is sourced frequently by all major financial media news outlets including the Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg.
He is a prolific keynote speaker at numerous small business lending events across the United States every year – including recent international speaking engagements in the U.K. and Germany.
Coleman has a B.A. in Medieval History from the University of California Santa Barbara and a M.B.A. in Real Estate Finance from the University of Southern California.
About Coleman Webinars
Coleman is the largest producer of small business banking webinars in the country, all taught by the best experts in our industry.
Not only our instructors chosen with care, they are excellent teachers of their craft.
Coleman’s Webinars provide 75 minutes of highly specialized information, access to industry experts, live Q&A, and step-by-step “how-to’s” on a variety of topics relevant to today’s small business banker.
Why a Webinar?
It’s very cost effective. No airfare, no hotels. Just cram as many people as you wish into your conference room and turn on the computer. You have several options to view the program. You may watch on screen, or listen in on your phone.
You can choose to have any many connections nationwide as you wish when you purchase unlimited access for only $399.
A great benefit of the program is that you have the ability to ask questions directly of the panelists. Or, you may simply email Coleman during the program and he will air your question.
All of our webinars are recorded. Buyers of the unlimited site license option will receive a DVD recording of the event to share with anyone you wish.
A transcript of the program is also provided to purchasers of the unlimited site license.
How it Works
We use GoToWebinar as our platform. You will receive a link that will direct you to an Internet site to view the presentation. If you would like to test this process to make sure you will be able to access the link through your system’s firewall, just send an email to, and he will schedule a test run.
Accessing GoToWebinar
There are two ways to access the webinar. The first is to simply click on the link we will provide when you register.
If you have a firewall issue, or you can’t get the GoToWebinar link to work, don’t panic!
The second way to access the webinar is directly from the GoToWebinar website. You will simply need to input the webinar ID and access code. These will also be provided when you register, and again the day before the webinar when we distribute the handouts.
Note we will open the webinar for attendees to join at 12:00pm ET. This will give each attendee two full hours before the webinar begins to troubleshoot any technical issues. Call (818) 790-4591 if you need assistance.
All Coleman Webinar Speakers are seen Live via Video Stream
You will see our speakers live through a video feed. You may customize the size of the speaker and power point presentations by clicking on the webcam button on the GoToWebinar dashboard. You may position the speakers at the top, bottom, right or left hand sides. You may also choose to eliminate the video stream and just view the power point.
Telephone Only Option
You may also choose to listen to the program on your telephone. The phone number will be provided with the handouts.
PDF Handouts
You will receive the pdf handout via email the day before the event. These may be distributed to all of your attendees.
Replay Link
If something comes up and you miss any part of the webinar, or there are technical issues such as a power failure, Internet dropout, fire alarm drills, actual fires or, earthquake (yes that has happened!) simply email and he will send you a link you may watch all or part of the webinar at your leisure. There is no charge for this service.
Complimentary Coleman Report Live! News Show with Bob Coleman from 1:50 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Eastern
Log and dial in ten minutes before each Coleman webinar to hear the “Complimentary Coleman Report Live! News Show” with Bob Coleman.
We do this for two reasons. First, the pre-show confirms you are successfully connected to the webinar. Second, we provide you a synopsis of the current news to help you place what is happening to the small business lending industry in context. Join us for this free feature!
The Fine Print
1) The single user registration fee of $299 is based on location not attendance. You may have as many people in one location attend. You many distribute the materials to anybody in your company.
2) For only $100 more, you may invite as many people from your institution from as many locations as you wish. (You also get the reply link and transcript!) We will forward you a link that allows you to sign up as many people as you wish.
3) Substitutions are allowed at no charge.
4) Cancellations receive a 100% credit for any Coleman product.
5) As with all our products, we offer a 100% money back satisfaction guaranty — no questions asked.
Five Easy Ways to Order!
1) Previous customers need only to send an email to with “Register” and the date of the webinar in the Subject Line. We will do all the paperwork and charge your credit card on file, or send you a PayPal request.
2) Call Customer Service at 818-790-4591 extension 1
3) Fax the order form to: 818-790-7859
4) Mail the order form to: Coleman Publishing, 607 Foothill Blvd., # 546, La Cañada, CA 91012
5) Order online here via PayPal
Bob Coleman
Editor, Coleman Report
607 Foothill Blvd # 546
La Cañada, CA 91012
(818) 790-4591
(c) 2015 All Rights Reserved