Lenders May Use the Newly Updated SBA Form 1919
June 27, 2024
Delaney Sexton
Contributing Editor
Lenders May Use the Newly Updated SBA Form 1919
SBA received approval for the edits made to SBA Form 1919 to reflect the Criminal Justice Rule. Question #4 on page 2 of the form was updated:
“The new question #4 uses the phrase ‘serving a sentence of imprisonment imposed upon adjudication of guilty’. This phrase means a person is serving a sentence for a crime for which they have been found guilty. People who are on house arrest or on home detention or work release or other similar programs are included in this definition. This does not include people who are detained but not yet convicted, such as people in jail pending trial.”
The new forms were sent to lenders’ emails, but they are not posted on SBA’s website yet. Lenders may use the updated forms below in the meantime.
Final version (not 508 compliant): https://sba.box.com/s/xk1cbudrg1x5r8ma11bcf7f524iklly2
Final version in track change (not 508 compliant): https://sba.box.com/s/yjn2grpuut5uuben504u0mxjy3jzn9tq