SBA 6th Annual Secondary Market Forum
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Bingham Penthouse Conference Room
2020 K Street, NW (11th floor)
Washington, DC 20006
Download Registration Form

Each year, the SBA Secondary Market Forum brings together the leaders from the SBA lending industry, professional SBA broker dealers, buyers from the investment community, and government agencies.
Join us in Washington D.C. as we examine the state of the SBA 7(a) and SBA 504 secondary market.
Conference co-chairs Bob Coleman of the Coleman Report, Bob Judge and Jordan Blanchard from Government Loan Solutions, will moderate an action-packed day to take you deep into the weeds of how the SBA secondary markets are operating today and what is expected in 2014.
Topics at this year’s forum will include:
· The emergence of new SBA 504 secondary market first lien funds
· How the new SBA 504 secondary market funds will be structured
· Outlook in 2014 for SBA 7(a) loan sale premiums
· SBA 7(a) and SBA 504 loan performance statistics
· Why SBA 7(a) U.S. government guaranteed loans continue to be an attractive investment
· The appetite by investors for fixed-rate SBA 7(a) loans
· How to structure a hybrid fixed/variable rate SBA 7(a) loan
· New alternative methods in buying and selling SBA 7(a) and SBA 504 loans.
Checkout the list of previous attendees
Agenda for the 6th Annual SBA Secondary Market Forum
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
8:30 a.m. to 4:00pm
Bingham Penthouse Conference Room
2020 K Street, NW (11th floor)
Washington, DC 20006
8:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
Registration and Continental Breakfast
9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
Status of the SBA 7(a) Secondary Market
This session will be a review of today’s SBA 7(a) secondary market. Specific topics of discussion will include:
· The current legislative environment for the SBA 7(a) loan program
· SBA 7(a) secondary market outlook for 2014
· What is happening with SBA 7(a) prepayments
· What is happening with SBA 7(a) defaults
· SBA 7(a) volume and the its impact for the SBA 7(a) secondary market
Bob Coleman, Editor, Coleman Report and Bob Judge, Principal, GLS
Karen Bean, Vice President, Signature Securities Group
Karen Bean is a Vice President with Signature Securities Group in Houston, TX. She works with SBA Lenders nationwide and with institutional investors.
Sylvia Merola – Managing Director, GL Trading & Trade Desk Operations
Sylvia Merola is the Managing Director, GL Trading & Trade Desk Operations for Coastal Securities, Inc. in Houston, Texas with over 18 years of experience. Sylvia is registered as a Broker-Dealer Agent and is able to buy/sell securities.
John Coleman – SVP/MD at R.J. O’Brien
SVP/MD Fixed Income Group – R.J. O’Brien
Risk transfer/hedging with Interest Rate, FX, Credit, Equity Index derivatives. Institutional applications for exchange-traded futures and options.
10:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Hedging the SBA 7(a) fixed rate loan
· The rise of SBA 7(a) fixed rate loans and the SBA 7(a) secondary market
· Why you should consider SBA 7(a) fix rate loans
· Why you become more competitive in the market place with a SBA 7(a) fixed rate product
· How to price SBA 7(a) fixed rate loans
· What is SBA’s attitude toward SBA 7(a) fixed rate loans?
· How to structure SBA 7(a) hybrid loans
· How to hedge SBA 7(a) fixed rate loans
· How to hedge SBA 7(a) fixed rate construction loans
Moderated by
Bob Coleman, Editor, Coleman Report
Bob Judge, Partner, Government Loan Solutions
Bob is the recognized national expert in the valuation of SBA-related assets and the SBA Secondary Market
Scott Evans, Partner, Government Loan Solutions
Scott Evans possesses over 22 years of trading and analytical experience in a wide variety of products.
10:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Networking Break
11:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.
The New SBA 504 Secondary Market
· The current legislature for the SBA 504 loan program
· The emergence of new SBA 504 secondary market first lien funds
· How the new SBA 504 secondary market funds will be structured
· Outlook in 2014 for SBA 504 loan sale premiums
· What is happening with SBA 504 defaults
· SBA 504 volume and its impact for the SBA 504 secondary market
Bob Judge, Partner, Government Loan Solutions
Jordan M. Blanchard, Managing Director- SBA 504 Secondary Markets, Government Loan Solutions, Inc
Government Loan Solutions Managing Director of SBA 504 Secondary Markets. Responsible for researching, developing and establishing secondary market outlets for SBA 504 first lien lenders.
Vasu Srinivasan, President of Thomas USAF Group, LLC and COO of McDonald USAF, LP
Vasu Srinivasan is currently the President of Thomas USAF Group, LLC and COO of McDonald USAF, LP. He is widely recognized and regarded as the industry “guru” on IO strips. He has served as the COO of the last four USAF Funds since 2002, including USAF II and USAF III.
Lunch 12:00 to 1:15
Keynote Address
Where Wall Street Meets Main Street – Non-Bank Sources of Funds for SBA 7(a) and 504 Loans
Patrick (Pat) MacKrell is the President and Chief Executive Officer of New York Business Development Corporation (NYBDC), Empire State Certified Development Corporation (Empire State CDC) and The Excelsior Growth Fund (“Excelsior”).
NYBDC, formed in 1955, is a consortium of 122 banks and 83 economic development agencies. NYBDC’s goal is to promote the business prosperity and economic welfare of the State of New York by providing loans to small businesses at all stages of maturity with a particular emphasis on start-up, early stage and minority/women owned businesses. NYBDC makes both SBA 7(a) and conventional loans. NYBDC is examined for safety and soundness by the Department of Financial Services pursuant to Article V-A of the Banking Law of the State of New York.
1:30 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.
How to Double SBA 504 Lending Volume
· Status of the SBA 504 commercial property refinance program
· Status of the SBA 504 1st lien mortgage pool program
Moderated by Bob Coleman
Chris Hurn, CEO/Cofounder of Mercantile Capital Corporation
Chris is the author of — The Entrepreneur’s Secret to Creating Wealth: How the Smartest Business Owners Build Their Fortunes — an Bestseller.
Beth Solomon, President & CEO NADCO
Providing commercial real estate and asset finance to small businesses nationwide, National Association of Development Companies members helped nearly 10,000 businesses secure $17 billion in financing in 2012 alone, creating the jobs America needs.
Frank Keane, Fiscal Agent for DCF LLC
Frank Keane has 30-years’ experience in capital markets trading, risk management and regulatory compliance. He is a former director at Merrill Lynch GSI and Managing Director at Banc of America Securities. Since 2008, Frank has been President and Chief Compliance Officer of Eagle Compliance LLC, a firm specializing in Broker/Dealer Operations and Anti-Money Laundering audits. His educational background is: BA – Economics, New York University; MA – Management, Seton Hall University; and FINRA Institute/ Wharton – Certified Regulatory Compliance Professional.
2:15 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Non-bank Lender Perspective
The leading small business non-bank lenders discuss their involvement in a range of small business lending programs including:
– USDA B&I lending
– Private fund based 504 lending
– Interim loan lending
– Construction financing
– USCIS EB-5 lending
Moderated by Jordan Blanchard
Chris Hurn, CEO/Cofounder of Mercantile Capital Corporation
Chris is the author of — The Entrepreneur’s Secret to Creating Wealth: How the Smartest Business Owners Build Their Fortunes — an Bestseller.
Sanat Patel, Co-Founder & EVP Business Development, Avana Capital
Sanat Patel has been in the commercial banking industry for over two decades and heads up Business Development in addition to Credit & Risk Administration at AVANA Capital.
Michael Maguire, Managing Director of Aileron Capital Management
Mr. Maguire has significant experience working with lower-middle market and middle market companies, beginning his career as a certified public accountant in the audit and advisory services groups at Arthur Anderson and Ernst & Young, and then transitioning into investment banking, focusing on sell-side merger and acquisition mandates.
3:00 p.m. to 3:15 p.m.
Networking Break
3:15 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.
Alternative Methods in Selling SBA 7(a) Guaranteed Loans to the Secondary Market
Moderated by Bob Coleman
Brett Caines, CFO, Live Oak Bank
Brett Caines is the Chief Financial Officer for Live Oak Bank. Prior to Live Oak Bank, Caines worked as a Production Engineer for INVISTA and as a Process Engineer for Shell Chemical Company.
Bob Judge, Partner, Government Loan Solutions
Bob is the recognized national expert in the valuation of SBA-related assets and the SBA Secondary Market
Scott Evans, Partner, Government Loan Solutions
Scott Evans possesses over 22 years of trading and analytical experience in a wide variety of products.
3:45 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
SBA Secondary Market Hot Topic Discussion
This lively open-ended discussion was a hit last year and will be repeated again this year. Bob Coleman will lead a discussion of what is important for the people in the room and what is working for the people in the room, and what should be done to make the secondary market as strong as possible.
Moderated by Bob Coleman
Vasu Srinivasan, President of Thomas USAF Group, LLC and COO of McDonald USAF, LP
Vasu Srinivasan is currently the President of Thomas USAF Group, LLC and COO of McDonald USAF, LP. He is widely recognized and regarded as the industry “guru” on IO strips. He has served as the COO of the last four USAF Funds since 2002, including USAF II and USAF III.
Charles H. Green, Author of the Bestseller “The SBA Loan Book”
Charles has authored several books and articles about business financing including bestselling The SBA Loan Book and the just released Get Financing Now (McGraw-Hill) available January, 2012.
Bob Judge, Partner, Government Loan Solutions
Bob is the recognized national expert in the valuation of SBA-related assets and the SBA Secondary Market
4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Reception at Bingham
Who should attend:
SBA Lending Managers
Lender Chief Financial Officers
CDC Executive Directors
SBA Broker Dealers
SBA Pool Assemblers
Government Agencies
Pool Investors
Shouldn’t you be there, too?
The cost for the Conference is $995.
Five easy ways to Register!
Five Easy Ways to Order!
1) Previous Coleman customers need only to send an email to with “Register” and the date of the webinar in the Subject Line. We will do all the paperwork and charge your credit card on file, or send you a PayPal request.
2) Call Customer Service at 818-790-4591, extension 1
3) Fax the order form to: 818-790-7859
4) Mail the order form to: Coleman Publishing, 607 Foothill Blvd., # 546, La Cañada, CA 91012
5) Order online here
SBA 6th Annual Secondary Market Forum |
Please call 818-790-4591, or email Joe Coleman at: to register.
Your conference co-chairs
Bob Coleman
Coleman Report
Bob Coleman is the Author of “Money Money Everywhere and Not a Drop for Main Street“. Coleman is the Editor of the Coleman Report, a trade newsletter for small business bankers. Bob is the nationally recognized expert on small business financing. Bob has appeared on Fox Business News and CNN and has been quoted by all major financial media outlets including the Wall Street Journal, New York Times and Bloomberg. Bob has spoken at numerous small business banking events across the United States, including international engagements in the U.K. and Germany. Coleman has a B.A. in Medieval History from the University of California Santa Barbara and a M.B.A. in Real Estate Finance from the University of Southern California.
Bob Judge
CPR Report
Bob Judge, Partner, Government Loan Solutions
Bob is the recognized national expert in the valuation of SBA-related assets and the SBA Secondary Market. In the print media, Bob is a periodic contributor to the NAGGL newsletter, In Focus, Coleman Publishing’s The Coleman Report. He has been quoted in the Wall Street Journal, the American Banker as well as other financial publications. Bob has been a guest speaker and lecturer at various government lending industry events on the topics of asset valuation and the secondary market. Bob holds a B.A. in Economics from Vassar College and an M.B.A. in Finance from the Stern School of Business at New York University.
Jordan Blanchard
Portfolio Manager, The Pennant 504 Fund
GLS is the nation’s premier SBA 7A secondary market expert. GLS provides sales and settlement service to SBA 7A lenders wishing to sell 7A loans on the secondary market. Services include bid procurement, gain on sale calculations, and servicing rights valuation. Jordan’s current role within GLS is to expand 504 secondary market opportunities for SBA 504 first lien lenders. The focus is the launch of the Pennant 504 Fund, a closed-end mutual fund organized under the Investment Company Act of 1940.
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