Coleman Certified SBA 7(a) Loan Underwriting Training
Coleman Certified SBA 7(a) Loan Underwriter Training
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Coleman’s award winning-SBA 7(a) loan underwriter training just finished filming and editing
An All New Updated Online Training course!
Bob Coleman continues his award-winning instruction for 2024.
A 12 week online video program your staff can complete on their own schedules
PLUS! receive professional certification.
VIDEO: Approximately 60-75 minutes of training in 50 video segments
HOMEWORK Assignment
READING Assignments
QUIZ Weekly
COLEMAN has Trained over 500 SBA 7(a) Loan Underwriters
Over 1,000 SBA 7(a) Lending Professionals have Enrolled in Coleman Training

The SBA 7(a) loan underwriter makes the crucial judgments that go beyond typical underwriting to ensure the validity of the federal government guarantee for your institution’s SBA loan portfolio.
Loan underwriters are trained to assess risk and craft solutions to mitigate credit risk.
SBA loan underwriters have additional responsibilities and it’s simply not enough to insert a clause into your credit memorandum that the SBA guaranty is the loan risk mitigation.

Rather, the underwriter must have contextual knowledge of SBA’s rules and regulations. Prudent due diligence is required in order to not compromise the integrity of the SBA loan guaranty.
This 12-week online course will help underwriters master the nuances of SBA lending and be able to correctly underwrite all types of loans, applying the SBA 7(a) guidelines every time.
This professionally produced high quality online video instruction will offer superior training for novices and seasoned SBA loan experts alike.

BONUS: Office Hours are now included! Participants will have access to live online office hours twice a month, providing the opportunity to ask questions, discuss challenges, and connect with your SBA training instructors.
Featured Coleman Faculty Instructor:
Bob Coleman
Founder, Coleman Report

Bob Coleman is the Author of “Money Money Everywhere and Not a Drop for Main Street.” He is the founder of Coleman Publishing, a publisher of newsletters, reports, data, conferences, webinars, online training videos — to help finance professionals become small business lending experts.
Bob is the nationally recognized expert on small business financing. He has appeared frequently on Fox Business News, NPR and other numerous media outlets. He is sourced by all print media. He is a frequent speaker about small business lending throughout the US and EU. Bob has a BA in Medieval History from the University of California Santa Barbara and a MBA in Real Estate Finance from the University of Southern California.
Bob has earned numerous SIPA industry awards including “Podcast of the Year” and as a producer of events and video training.
His passion is getting capital to Main Street and Rural American small business.
Case Study

Coleman’s SBA 7(a) Underwriting Training uses a case study for the training.
- Real Estate
- Working Capital
How you and your bank will benefit from this course
- Attendees will become experts of the SBA’s SOP 5010 7.1 requirements, which minimizes the bank’s liability, repair costs and lost guarantees.
- We will cover the entire underwriting process including; use of proceeds, loan terms and conditions, credit standard policies, the loan authorization, and protecting the guaranty. It’s everything you need to know.
- Solve the problem of training people in this highly specialized skill—this is one of very few qualified training options—particularly one taught by the industries national expert.
- Let team members learn at their own speed on their own schedules from wherever they choose—format of total convenience.
- Earn certification that proves you have learned valuable skills and fortifies your resume—professional validation and tangible reward.
- Increase the competence of team members in a formal, professional manner.
- Answer the question posed by SBA and the regulators of how you train your employees.
- How this flexible course fits the schedule of busy professionals
How this flexible course fits the schedule of busy professionals
- Participants receive weekly notifications of the uploaded Video Modules, Quizzes and reading materials.
- Each segment averages ten minutes. Each session ends with a short quiz.
- The segments consists of a number of teaching tools. Lectures will be augmented with case studies.
- Total instruction over the eight weeks will be about 30 hours.
- There will be assigned reading materials drawn from the SOPs, SBA Inspector General audits and the weekly Coleman Report trade newsletter.
- The course load averages three to four hours a week.
- Don’t worry if you miss a week due to vacation or real life issues. All video segments will be archived for you to review at your own pace at a later date.
- At the end of the course you may choose to take a final comprehensive exam.
- Once you pass the exam, you receive the professional designation of “Coleman Certified SBA 7(a) Underwriter”
- In addition, participants will have access to bonus “live” online office hours each week, so you can ask any questions about the SBA 7(a) process.
Week 1
- 1-1 SBA Loan Underwriting Introduction
- 1-2 The Small Business Administration
- 1-3 The SBA 7(a) Loan Program
- 1-4 SBA Loan Programs
Week 2
- 2-1 SBA Loan Lender Certifications
- 2-2 Criminal Sanctions banc-serv Fraud
- 2-3 Denial of Guaranty USC Credit Union
- 2-4 False Claims Pinnacle Bank
Week 3
- 3-1 Franklin Brothers Case Study
- 3-2 7(a) Submission of GP Loans (Part I)
- 3-3 7(a) Submission of GP Loans (Part II)
- 3-4 SBA Form 1919 Section I (Part I)
- 3-5 SBA Form 1919 Section I (Part II)
Week 4
- 4-1 Income (Part I)
- 4-2 Cost of Goods Sold.
- 4-3 Income (Part II)
- 4-4 Cash Flow
Week 5
- 5-1 Use of Proceeds, Loan Structure
- 5-2 Use of Proceeds Franklin Bros
- 5-3 Equity Injection Fraud
- 5-4 Accounts Receivable and Inventory — Franklin Bros
- 5-5 Liabilities & Debt Schedule
Week 6
- 6-1 Affiliation
- 6-2 The Personal Financial Statement
- 6-3 Eligibility
- 6-4 Guarantors
- 6-5 EPC and OC
Week 7
- 7-1 Ridgestone Bank SBA OIG Loan Review
- 7-2 Calculating Cash Flow
- 7-3 Historical Cash Flow Analysis
- 7-4 Projections and Cash Flow
- 7-5 Working Capital Adequacy
Week 8
- 8-1 Collateral Value Calculation
- 8-2 Appraisals – Real Estate, Equipment, Business
- 8-3 Assignment of Lease and Landlord Waiver
- 8-4 Insurance
- 8-5 Construction Loan Provisions
Week 9
- 9-1 SBA 7(a) Loan Underwriting Addendum
- 9-2 Business Acquisition Loans (Part I)
- 9-3 Business Acquisition Loans (Part II)
- 9-4 Debt Refinance Loans
- 9-5 SBA Form 159
Week 10 — Franklin Brothers Credit Memo I
- 10-1 Use of Proceeds Audience
- 10-2 Lender’s Credit Analysis
- 10-3 Financial Analysis of Repayment Ability
- 10-4 Global Cash Flow
- 10-5 Projections
Week 11 — Franklin Brothers Credit Memo II
- 11-1 Ratio Calculations
- 11-2 Collateral Adequacy
- 11-3 Insurance
- 11-4 Appraisals, Environmental, Valuation
- 11-5 Equity Injection
Week 12 — Franklin Brothers Credit Memo III
- 12-1 Lender’s Rationale for Recommending Approval
- 12-2 Credit Elsewhere
- 12-3 Working Capital Adequacy
- 12-4 Credit Memo for Loans Less Than $500K
- 12-5 Conclusion
What others have said about Bob’s instruction.
“Thank you, Mr. Bob Coleman! I really enjoyed taking your course. The skills I learned and the informative lectures were absolutely amazing.”
Ruben Cardona
Loan Officer
First National Bank of Bastrop County
“Coleman’s SBA 7(a) Loan Underwriter course was a great investment! Bob’s thorough presentation of SBA’s requirements for underwriting and processing 7(a) loan applications, together with the real life case studies, increased my confidence that I can do SBA 7(a) lending right! It was a very beneficial ten weeks!”
Gary Throckmorton
Sr. Executive Vice President
Community Ventures, Lexington, KY
“I really enjoyed the training and learned a lot about the SBA program and underwriting. This was very helpful”
Laura Proulx
Vice President, Credit Manager
The Provident Bank, Amesbury, MA
FAQ’s on Coleman’s Online Certification Courses
What platform does the Coleman online course use?
We use Litmos as the platform. You will access the course from the Litmos website without downloading anything to your computer.
How many weeks does the course run?
Ten weeks
How much time will I need to devote to the course?
Three to four hours per segment.
How do the segments work?
Each week is divided into segments averaging ten minutes each.
Do I have to finish each segment every week?
No, you may complete the course at your own pace.
Are there reading assignments?
There will be assigned reading materials drawn from the SOPs, SBA Inspector General audits, and the Coleman Report newsletter.
Tell me about quizzes.
At the end of each segment there will be a short multiple-choice quiz to test your mastery of the segment. Segments may be viewed as many times as you wish.
What are Office Hours coaching sessions?
Each day at 1:00pm ET you will have the opportunity to log in and discuss the week’s topic. If you miss a session, office hours will be recorded and archived for your future use.
How do I become a certified Coleman SBA 7(a) Underwriter?
At the end of the course, you may choose to take a final exam. Those who score 90% or higher will receive a certification plaque. The exam is open material and may be taken as many times as you wish.
Is there an additional fee to become a Coleman Certified SBA 7(a) Loan Underwriter?
How much does the course cost?
The fee is $1495.
Three Easy Ways to Order!
1) Email this form to
2) Email with “Buy Coleman Training 2024”
3) Call or text Bob Coleman @ 818 974 8934
Bob Coleman
Editor, Coleman Report
28081 Marguerite Parkway #4525
Mission Viejo, CA 92690
(818) 790-4591
(c) 2024 All Rights Reserved