SBA Hot Topic Tuesday — How to Access SBA One Test

August 15, 2017

By Bob Coleman
Editor, SBA Hot Topic Tuesday

UPDATE: SBA Responds to SBA One Test Requests “No Longer Allowed”


“We’ve gotten a few queries based on your most recent post. Unfortunately, the information below is not up-to-date. During the SBA One launch, we opened up the E-Tran test environment to lenders who were interested in performing SBA One user acceptance testing. Once SBA One was successfully launched, we stopped granting lenders test access. This occurred about two years ago. Today the test environment is being used strictly by 7(a) vendors to test their software products and by 504 vendors who are working with us on our 504 system migration project. At the end of the day we are simply unable to support vendor management, 504 migration development, and a lender test site at the same time.

“Lender’s interested in learning more about SBA One have many options. We conduct about 4 trainings per month with revolving topics based on lender and LRS feedback. The monthly schedules are posted here: (we’re taking a break in August but will post the September schedule in a few weeks). Lenders unable to attend a live training can access self-guided training anytime from within the SBA One application under the ‘Training’ heading. Finally, many LRS’s have developed their own tools for training their local customers.



SBA Hot Topic Tuesday — How to Access SBA One Test

Several of you have asked how to sign up for SBA One Test.

First, your institution must be signed up for SBA’s Capital Access System

If you are not, send an email to and request access to SBA One and SBA One Test.

They are also the resource if your institution has signed up for SBA One, but no one can access the system.


OK, if you are registered in SBA’s Capital Access Financial System access SBA One Test at this website


If you are unable to access the system, send an email to

You should also set up a reminder to follow up on your request if you haven’t received a response within ten days.

Finally, don’t be afraid to sign up for the SBA One Answer Desk for all your SBA One questions!

Poll Questions

My institution is signed up with SBA One
Don’t Know

I have access to SBA One
Don’t Know