SBA Hot Topic Tuesday — Negative SBA Plum Job Reactions
February 28, 2017
By Bob Coleman
Editor, SBA Hot Topic Tuesday
SBA Hot Topic Tuesday — Negative SBA Plum Job Reactions
We get emails….
How many of these jobs are really necessary?
10 Regional Administrators @ $180k per? With staff and assistants and travel costs? Talk about a no-work job. That’s gotta be $5 million a year in savings alone
Tim Yentsch, a SBA 7(a) servicing and liquidation professional writes,
If you eliminate about 30 high staff positions and you could:
- Create an ombudsman for Herndon with real power
- Staff up loan accounting in Herndon and /or set up loan accounting specialists in the centers who work for Denver and could fix accounting issues without going through Denver
- Fix some of the broken loan accounting computer systems like SBA 172’s
- Fund transfer of ALL loans under $150K to Little Rock or Fresno (and increase staff there at low cost as Govt wage scales are more competitive there) which would increase cleanup of liquidation backlog enormously. This would actually save the taxpayers a lot of money as they a lot of intensive auditing mandated by Herndon’s policies is inappropriate for small loans and NOT COST EFFECTIVE
- Set up a few high level loan multidisciplinary qualified specialists to deal with complex repairs, fraud cases, or guaranty issues on large loans as special assignments. This could be done on a face to face basis with lenders. This could resolve issues in weeks instead of years and avoid unnecessary litigation based on communication failures.
If you have any other thoughts drop me a line. Names are withheld unless you expressly give consent.