SBA Hot Topic Tuesday – New IRS Form 4506-C Effective March 2023
November 15, 2022
Delaney Sexton
Contributing Editor
SBA Hot Topic Tuesday – New IRS Form 4506-C Effective March 2023

The new IRS Form 4506-C has been published by the IRS and is available online. There were only two minor changes from the previously published draft: a typo was fixed in the Signature of taxpayer(s) statement and the formatting for Line 6, Transcript Requested was corrected.
Now that the form is released, the IRS is extending the deadline for the transition to the new Form 4506-C. They will accept both the new and previous versions of the Form 4506-C through February 28, 2023. After that, only the newly published Form 4506-C will be accepted from IVES participants, effective March 1, 2023.
IVES participants must ensure customers fill out the form as they intend it to be processed because the new Form 4506-C cannot be edited. Lines 5 through 8 must be completed before the taxpayer signs it. Exceptions will include the IVES participant ID number, SOR Mailbox ID, Customer File Number, and Unique Identifier (if included).
Any questions about Form 4506-C updates or extension of the transition to the new form should be directed to the IVES Participant Assistance email at