SBA One User 1 Minute Poll

August 20, 2015

SBA One User 1 Minute Poll

By Bob Coleman
Editor, Coleman Report

SBAOneLogoIf you are an SBA One beta tester, or are in on the ground floor of the live roll out, please share your experience with the industry.

Take a one minute poll on SBA One

What is your overall view of the loan origination platform?

  1. 100% thumbs up!
  2. Works as intended.
  3. A little clunky, but I believe SBA will get it right.
  4. It needs a lot of work before ready for Prime Time.
  5. Useless. A complete waste of time and money.

Do you agree with the decision that SBA One loan applications should be placed at the head of the line for GP processing?


Do you anticipate you and your institution will use SBA One?


Additional Comments?