SBA Stats Tuesday — SBA 7(a) Prepays Fall Below 7%

April 28, 2015

By Bob Judge,
Editor, The CPR Report

In February, prepays drop back below 7% caused by a double digit decrease in both voluntary prepayments and defaults.

Overall prepayments fell by 27% to 6.48%.

Defaults remain below 2% for 18 months in a row. Looking at the largest sector, we saw the 20+year maturity prepayment speed fall by 32% to 6.06% from 8.88%. We saw speeds fall in five out of six categories of our maturity buckets.

The first quarter of 2015 should show a YOY decrease from 2014, the first time we have seen a decrease over any reasonable timeframe since 2011.

Check out the March 2015 CPR Report here.

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