SBA Stops Publication of Affiliation and Personal Resource Test Rule Changes in Federal Register
January 8, 2014
By Bob Coleman
Editor, Coleman Report
We reported SBA will publish a final policy rule this morning rejecting changes in it’s affiliation standard rule and the abolishment of the personal resource test.
However, SBA has pulled the rule from publication in the Federal Resister. This is an email we received yesterday from newly appointed Director/Office of Financial Assistance Linda Rusche.
“A version of the final 7(a)/504 rule (Loan Program Updates) was posted in error on the Federal Register’s website today. The rule is still undergoing Administration review and has not been finalized. It has been withdrawn from the Federal Register.”
Here is a link to yesterday’s reporting.
Here is a link to the 43 page pdf that was posted on Federal Register website, but later removed. This is your glimpse to what the final rule will probably look like after dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s.