Small Businesses Are Borrowing Less Again, Per PayNet Index


May 20, 2013

lending-down-557x334By Bob Coleman
Editor, Coleman Report

Reports Small Business Trends, “Small businesses are borrowing less again.

“A March report from the U.S. Small Business Administration showed small business lending had increased for the first time in 10 quarters in the last part of 2012.

“But more recently the Thomson Reuters/PayNet Small Business Lending Index (SLBI) says that trend hasn’t carried into the new year. Instead, a recent update in the index shows lending to small businesses has dropped for three consecutive months of the new year ending in March.

“The Thomson Reuters/PayNet Small Business Lending Index measures the overall volume of lending to small U.S. companies. The index fell to 98.5 from a total of 105.4 in February.

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