Wells Fargo Exec – 20% of Small Business Impacted by Real Estate Market
July 26, 2013
By Bob Coleman
Editor, Coleman Report
A Washington Post flattering piece about Wells Fargo small biz exec Lisa Stevens has some useful stats.
1) With 20% of small businesses in industries that are directly impacted by the real estate market – construction, interior design, architectural services, landscaping – “we expect to see a significant improvement in overall small business financial health just from the improving real estate market.”
2) The bank’s small business lending has increased 25% over the past year.
3) Wells Fargo’s lending is up 55% for small business loans and credit card lines under $100,000.
4) Wells Fargo has invested $95 million in 108 microfinance small business lending organizations in the past 15 years.
Read more about Wells Fargo small business lending and Lisa here.