Main Street Monday – Q2 Survey Results Find Business Conditions are Good

May 13, 2019 By Mary Miller Contributing Editor, Main Street Monday Main Street Monday – Q2 Survey Results Find Business Conditions are Good Key findings revealed in the latest survey from the CNBC/Survey Monkey survey, which polled 2000 small business owners, indicate that business conditions are good. “Across a number of key fronts, small business…

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Fraud Friday – Billings Man Indicted for Defrauding Canadian Bank

May 10, 2019 By Dominic J Bartolone Contributing Editor, Fraud Friday Fraud Friday – Billings Man Indicted for Defrauding Canadian Bank A Montana businessman was indicted for bank fraud for allegedly inducing a Canadian Bank to loan him more than $40 million based on phony loan documents. Todd Capser, 47, of Billings, was arrested May…

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Main Street Monday – Small Business Owners Optimism Down Slightly

May 6, 2019 By Mary Miller Contributing Editor, Main Street Monday Main Street Monday – Small Business Owners Optimism Down Slightly In the semi-annual survey of small business owners released by Bank of America, it indicates a slight decline in optimism levels. Of 1,504 small business owners surveyed, here are the stats: 48% predicted the…

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Fraud Friday – Ex Credit Union CEO Pleads Guilty to Fraud

May 3, 2019 By Dominic J Bartolone Contributing Editor, Fraud Friday Fraud Friday – Ex Credit Union CEO Pleads Guilty to Fraud The former CEO of a Minnesota credit union who was accused of stealing more than $10 million, pleaded guilty to stealing at least $2.5 million after a five-year investigation by the FBI. Margurite…

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Main Street Monday – Small Business Owners Cautiously Optimistic About Economy

April 29, 2019 By Mary Miller Contributing Editor, Main Street Monday Main Street Monday – Small Business Owners Cautiously Optimistic About Economy The release of the latest economic forecasts and surveys to date indicate that while small business owners remain optimistic about the economy, they are cautiously optimistic. The buzz word is “conservative” in terms…

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SBA Hot Topic Tuesday — Top 7 Questions Asked By Distressed SBA Borrowers

April 23, 2019 By Jason Milleisen Founder of Distressed Loan Advisors SBA Hot Topic Tuesday — Top 7 Questions Asked By Distressed SBA Borrowers 1) Can my SBA loan be settled? In general, the SBA will consider settlement offers when it’s warranted. Whether they will consider YOUR settlement offer will depend a variety of factors.…

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